Website design
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Website Design Audit & Recommendations
We're seeking a website expert to give us feedback on our current website’s layout, user-friendliness, mobile readiness, content, and general look and feel. You'll present our team with your recommendations for improvements to help us maximize our site to support our goals.
Our website ( is frustrating to me because it's clunky, ugly, and limited in what we're able to do. I think there's an opportunity to at least clear up the messaging and have a better user journey for the variety of audiences we have. I would like some direction, suggestions, and clear maps of possibilities of what we can ask our student web developers to do.
We'll start with a briefing session where our team will share our goals and tell you about our target audiences and what we hope to achieve through our website. We'll collaborate to define our next steps and set a timeline. Next time we meet, you'll provide us with some of your initial insights and high-level feedback. We'll have additional feedback for you as well. When your analysis is complete, you'll deliver a short presentation to our team with your recommendations and give us a document of your recommended tactics and updates.
Our ideal volunteer can spend fifteen to twenty hours over four to five weeks reviewing our website. They have experience in web design and marketing.
This project will NOT include:
-Website design
-Website development/coding
-Development of a content marketing strategy
Our mission and vision to engage partners and support them towards collective action on behalf of students is impacted by clear messaging and clear connecting of people to resources.
I will be there to answer questions, provide access to the backend web design system we use, and be clear on who our users are and what we would like them to experience on our website.
Hayward Promise Neighborhoods (Cal State East Bay)
http://haywardpromise.orgMember Since
Jun 2017
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LCMS K.I.S.S. Club (Parent Booster USA)
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