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Video Production Assistance
We are looking for a film/video production company to produce a 3-minute video celebrating our school in Elmhurst, Queens. This video will be used to attract new families to our school community as well as to recruit new teaching staff to meet our needs as we expand into a K-12 school. Our goal is to leverage the many perspectives of our school community through first-person testimonials captured in a multi-media format.
Through working with Renaissance 2 on this project, you will elevate our mission to empower young leaders by visibly featuring their stories in the video. Global citizenship, environmental stewardship, and a commitment to community-building are all key components of our school mission. We hope to make more visible the experiences of our school community to elevate their voices. In doing so, we will also highlight how and in what ways our school creates a culture of inclusion across all levels of the organization, from students and staff to faculty and families alike.
We will provide a show runner and extensive content creation support.
The Renaissance Charter School
Elmhurst, NY
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Portland Aquatic Club
LCMS K.I.S.S. Club (Parent Booster USA)
Nia Association