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Graphic Design For Building Diagram
We need the assistance of a graphic designer to conceptualize what our renovated building will look like so that we can prepare a business plan and objectives. We are looking for diagrams of the exterior or interior, including interior design elements.
We plan on repainting a 30 x 70 mural on the east facade. Installing solar panel-lit lights over all four sides of the building on projecting them on the flag post.
There are two interior floors, each comprising 3200 square feet. The first floor has a ceiling of 20 feet. The main room is 52' deep and 45' wide. The entrance is 11' deep and at the rear of the first floor is a stairway to a mezzanine (includes lavatories), a mechanical room (electrical box and furnace), and a rear exit(access to barrier-free unisex lavatory, elevator, and stairway to 2nd floor).
The main room will include four Plexi-glass cubicles along the east wall and an open multi-purpose room along the west window wall. The top 6' of the east wall and the south wall will display paintings that depict the history of Brightmoor.
The second floor has three 12'x12' offices along the north wall balance of 50'x40'. The main room will remain open for meeting space/ storage. On the south end of the floor are lavatories, a stairway, and elevator access.
The design will be used electronically or also in print.
The design will be used to help share a vision for how the building will serve the organization and community's needs to prospective funders, architects, and muralists. The nonprofit currently rents office space and will move into the building after restoration.
We have purchased the building, identified uses for the building, and set a vision for what may be included.
The floor plan is available and a photo of the exterior and interior.
Cubicles will be offices for nonprofit affordable housing staff. Multi-use rooms will be used for community meetings, workshops, and artistic displays.
The second floor contains additional office space and a multi-purpose room.
Northwest Detroit Neighborhood Development
http://www.ndndhomes.orgMember Since
Jul 2021
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Portland Aquatic Club
LCMS K.I.S.S. Club (Parent Booster USA)
Nia Association