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Website Donation Page Design - Wix
We are looking to partner with a web designer to design and build a donation page for our nonprofit website. The deliverable for this project would be a wireframe for the donation page and the build-out of the page. This page should be integrated with our current website. We will have the designer collect feedback internally from relevant stakeholders before the design is finalized. We would also like the web designer to train relevant staff to maintain the donation page.
Through this project, the volunteer will be able to work from home remotely and have consistent contact with the Board Chair for insight & recommendations; Content, copy, images, and logo available.
Our website is hosted on the WIX platform. We will provide the designer with components to complete the project, including the donation form, site copy, branding guidelines, and graphics. We'll need recommendations for Analytics, and CRM or fundraising software necessary.
Grandmothers' Village Project, Inc.
Randolph, MA
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Completed Taproot Plus Partnerships
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Portland Aquatic Club
LCMS K.I.S.S. Club (Parent Booster USA)
Nia Association