HR Management
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Employee Handbook Development
We are looking for a volunteer who can develop an employee handbook or make updates to our existing materials. We're hoping to find a partner with a background in HR and/or operations to improve transparency and accountability by clarifying our employees’ legal rights and our policies, benefits, and other expectations for performance and conduct in a new or revised employee handbook. This project will contain the following activities:
-Conducting an audit of our existing policies including reviewing our existing materials and asking any clarifying questions
-Identify policies that we should modify and any new policies or areas that should be addressed and included
-Present a detailed outline of a new handbook
-Finalize the handbook after receiving feedback from our team
Through working with our ED to develop this valuable resource, you are empowering our team to experience onboarding with confidence, as well as support their ongoing needs with a well-crafted reference for them to navigate with ease. We will use this tool for all lifecycle journeys as we welcome volunteers, teammates, and Board members.
We are currently curating a number of standard operating procedures, policies, and other resources, which we look forward to further developing with your expert guidance and skill.
To prepare, we've designated our Executive Director, Leilani Yats, to oversee the project. We'll provide you with our existing Employee Handbook (if applicable), internal communications regarding employment policies, and any other employment policies that we have in place. The volunteer should expect to spend 15-20 hours over 4-5 weeks.
Seeds for a Future
Prescott, AZ
http://www.seedsforafuture.orgMember Since
Jun 2024
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Portland Aquatic Club
LCMS K.I.S.S. Club (Parent Booster USA)
Nia Association