IT Infrastructure
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Technology Audit and Recommendations
How could our nonprofit use technology to build a stronger infrastructure? We need your help answering that question!
We're looking for someone to evaluate and advise us about our technology tools. Our team will share a detailed description of our existing systems and the tools we use for email, file sharing, program management, web hosting, web design, and customer relationship management (CRM). After assessing our basic needs, you'll make high-level recommendations to our team about ways to improve some of our basic processes.
Through working with our organization on this project, a volunteer will support our mission by empowering us to run our programs with greater efficiency and confidence. Our core "product," peer-facilitated support groups and educational events for individuals struggling with mental health issues, is pure GOLD, but has a tiny staff of just 2 people, and lacks technical expertise. We rely heavily on front-line volunteers and honor them as the treasures they are. Professionals who volunteer behind the scenes will be welcomed with the same open arms. Join us!
To prepare for our conversation, we're ready to brief you on the key technology platforms we use to run our organization.
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance California
Santa Cruz, CA
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