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Case for Support Drafting
Our organization would like to work with a marketing professional to craft a Case for Support and to work with our Executive Director to lay out an individual donor fundraising strategy. Having a Case for Support is an essential step in effectively communicating our organization's mission, goals, and needs to potential donors, stakeholders, and supporters. A compelling case for support can inspire others to contribute financially or in other ways to help our nonprofit achieve its objectives.
We envision a marketing professional conducting some discovery to gain a deep understanding of our nonprofit's mission, vision, values, and goals and consider the impact our organization aims to make and the specific programs or initiatives we undertake to achieve that impact. The professional would then help us draft a Case for Support concerning our target audiences (individual donors, foundations, corporations, or other potential supporters). The Case for Support should include sections addressing: the need, our solution, demonstrated impact, goals and strategies, financial needs, call to action, and recognition & stewardship.
This would include several rounds of review and feedback with the nonprofit leadership and any necessary training for using the Case for Support as well as supporting with a foundational strategy for utilizing the Case for Support to build an individual giving program.
Our organization, the Oregon Sexual Assault Task Force, has been in existence since 1999, but has never in its time had a focus on building an individual giving program; instead, it has historically relied on government grants to fund its work. I came on as the Executive Director in June 2023 and a primary goal has been to expand our fundraising strategies and build a giving program. In my first year and a half, I established a donor/donation management system, upgraded our payment processors, and began working with our board of directors, local businesses, and the community to market our work and expand our reach. We have successfully held two fundraising events in that time, began accepting recurring individual donations, and developed marketing materials specific to fundraising campaigns. We are a small nonprofit and do not have a development team, so it would be incredibly valuable to have expert support to build upon the work I've done in my first year and a half to write a full Case for Support and lay out some additional steps and strategies to increase our community donor reach and funds raised. I can commit, time, energy, and the materials we've already established to work on this and have identified it as a priority of mine and the organization's for 2025. This will be a key step in ensuring our organization's sustainability in the future so we can continue to fulfill our mission of preventing and improving responses to, sexual assault in Oregon.
The marketing professional would have regular access to our executive leadership and relevant team members will be directed to allocate time to meet with the professional during the discovery process. We are also prepared to furnish the necessary financial data and current marketing collateral. We will also make sure that the professional has full access to all materials relating to how we deliver our programs.
Attorney Generals Sexual Assault Task Force
https://oregonsatf.org/Member Since
Jun 2024
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