HR Management
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HR Policies and Procedures Update
We are seeking a volunteer to develop an employee handbook or update our existing materials. We hope to find a partner with a background in HR and/or operations to improve transparency and accountability by clarifying our employees’ legal rights and our policies, benefits, and other expectations for performance and conduct in a new or revised employee handbook. This project will contain the following activities:
-Conducting an audit of our existing policies including reviewing our existing materials and asking any clarifying questions
-Identify policies that we should modify and any new policies or areas that should be addressed and included
-Present a detailed outline of a new handbook
-Finalize the handbook after receiving feedback from our team
The project will support our organization's mission by nurturing a cohesive and inclusive work environment through transparent and comprehensive employment and internship policies. Refining our Employee and Internship Handbooks ensures that team members and interns are well-informed about their roles, responsibilities, and organizational values. This clarity enhances collaboration, accountability, and professional growth, empowering our team to focus on delivering impactful programs and services that align with our mission to serve the community.
To prepare, we have designated a team member to oversee the project. We will provide you with our existing Employee Handbook, Internship Handbook (if applicable), internal communications regarding employment policies, and any other relevant policies we have in place. The volunteer should expect to dedicate 15-20 hours over 4-5 weeks to this project.
Website Since
Aug 2022
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