Data Science & Analytics
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Data Intake Audit
Our nonprofit seeks a skilled volunteer with knowledge of New York City to help us understand our local impact and collaborate with interns to execute in-person tasks. We need your assistance in becoming more data-driven! We're looking for a volunteer to audit our current data intake sources and practices and provide recommendations for optimizing our efforts.
This pro bono work ideally involves a donation of 2-5 hours per week for one month. Tasks for this project may include:
- Audit our nonprofit's existing data collection sources, including but not limited to surveys, web or social media analytics, email stats, program intake forms, stakeholder feedback, focus groups, and more.
- Assessing our current use of data collection tools
- Research alternative evaluation or data collection tools to better serve our nonprofit.
- Presenting recommendations for how we can optimize our data efforts moving forward.
This project will support our nonprofit's mission by helping us gather and analyze data more effectively. Optimizing our data collection methods will provide more precise insights into our impact, enable informed decisions, and improve our community engagement. The data will allow us to refine our programs, better meet the needs of those we serve, and maximize our resources to achieve our goals.
Our nonprofit is committed to becoming more effective and efficient by leveraging data, and we need your help to ensure we're collecting the correct information in the right ways. We have identified a team member as your point of contact for this initiative and secured leadership buy-in for this critical work. Additionally, our team has compiled a list of all current data collection methods, which we are ready to share with the volunteers.
With your expertise, we aim to refine our processes and improve how we measure and optimize our impact.
Website Since
Aug 2022
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