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Key Messages Drafting
We are searching for a volunteer who can lead the development of our key messages that communicate what we do, how we are different, and what value we bring to our stakeholders. Our ideal volunteer partner will be a creative communicator who is ready to dive into messaging strategy with our team!
We envision a set of key messages that we can use across media and marketing collateral (i.e., website copy, social media posts, infographics, brochures, email templates, etc.).
The first meeting will be an opportunity for our team to provide you with a briefing on our core stakeholders and goals as an organization. We will provide the volunteer with our existing communications and marketing materials. In our second meeting, the volunteer should present a first draft. We will provide feedback and at least one round of revision. We may work asynchronously for continued feedback, and in our final meeting together, the volunteer will deliver the final, copyedited version.
Hearts and Reels Faith Films Fundraiser: Mission Support & Implementation Plan
Mission Alignment Statement
Our Hearts and Reels Valentine's Day faith films fundraiser directly supports Pure Cinema USA Inc's mission by:
Community Impact
Creating a platform to celebrate faith films while building an inclusive community
Providing opportunities for meaningful storytelling that connects with Christian values
Supporting our goal to "impact the global culture for Christ through media"
Cultural Engagement
Making a positive economic and social impact in our local community
Creating opportunities for dialogue around faith-based themes
Building bridges between faith communities through shared experiences
Event Preparation & Implementation
1. Pre-Event Planning
Established clear goals and budgets
Created detailed timeline and volunteer assignments
Secured appropriate venue and technical equipment
2. Community Engagement Strategy
We have:
Developed personalized sponsorship packages
Built partnerships with local churches and faith organizations
Created promotional materials emphasizing community impact
3. Marketing Implementation
Our team has:
Designed a multi-channel marketing strategy
Prepared social media content calendar
Established email marketing sequences
4. Volunteer Management
Recruited and trained event staff
Created detailed role descriptions
Scheduled pre-event training sessions
Post-Event Implementation Plan
1. Community Follow-up
Document impact stories
Share event highlights
Build ongoing engagement programs
2. Resource Utilization
Allocate funds according to mission priorities
Implement suggested improvements
Expand community programs
3. Long-term Impact Measurement
Track community engagement metrics
Monitor program growth
Assess mission advancement
Pro Bono Partner Benefits
Clear Communication
Regular progress updates
Defined success metrics
Transparent reporting
Professional Environment
Organized team structure
Documented procedures
Efficient resource management
Mission-Driven Results
Measurable community impact
Sustainable program growth
Lasting partnerships
Event Success Metrics
Immediate Goals
Attendance targets
Fundraising objectives
Community engagement levels
Long-term Impact
Program sustainability
Community transformation
Cultural influence
Partnership Growth
Volunteer retention
Sponsor relationships
Community connections
We will provide the volunteer with our existing communications and marketing materials plus other relevant background information. Our organization has clearly defined stakeholders and will provide that information to our volunteer partner. We have a designated member of our team available to work with the volunteer on this project. We will also make any of our program beneficiaries available for interviews. We have the approval and buy-in of our board who will be making the final approval of our new key messages.
Pure Cinema USA Inc
Orlando, FL
https://www.purecinemausa.orgMember Since
Completed Taproot Plus Partnerships
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Portland Aquatic Club
LCMS K.I.S.S. Club (Parent Booster USA)
Nia Association