Copy writing/editing
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Social Media Content Design
We seek a volunteer to support our social media communications by crafting engaging copy, designing graphics, and assisting with writing stories and appeals. This work will help promote the Permian Basin Adult Literacy Center and advance our mission.
Through working with our organization on this project, the volunteer will directly support our mission by amplifying our organization’s message and increasing community engagement. By crafting compelling and mission-driven copy, this project will help us inspire more individuals to support adult literacy, whether as donors, volunteers, or advocates, ultimately empowering more learners in our programs.
We have set this project up for success by providing a comprehensive foundation of resources and materials. This includes a variety of past copywriting samples and graphics to serve as inspiration and reference points, as well as curated sample success stories and informational resources to help generate compelling content ideas. These materials ensure the volunteer clearly understands our voice, style, and mission, enabling them to create impactful copy efficiently within a short time frame.
Permian Basin Adult Literacy Center
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