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Data Intake Audit
Our organization needs your help becoming more data-driven! We are looking for a volunteer who can audit our current data-intake sources and practices, and deliver recommendations for optimizing our efforts.
This pro bono work will ideally be a donation of 2-5 hours per week for one month by a volunteer. Tasks completed during this project may include:
-Audit of our nonprofit's existing data collection sources, including but not limited to: surveys, web or social media analytics, email stats, program intake forms, stakeholder feedback, focus groups, etc.
-Assess our current use of data collection tools (red: there is work to be done, yellow: proceed with caution, green: we're doing great!)
-Research alternative evaluation or data collection tools our nonprofit could use
-Present recommendations for how we can optimize our data efforts moving forward
Through working with a taproot partner to optimize and capture all data needed to become better to funders, partners, and or grantors.
Our organization is committed to becoming more effective and efficient by leaning on data. We need to ensure that we're collecting the right information and in the right ways, first. We have identified a member of our team to be your point person on this project. We have gained leadership buy-in for this important work. Our team has also created a list of all current data collection methods that we are ready to share with the volunteer.
Man in Me
http://www.TheManInMe.orgMember Since
Feb 2022
Completed Taproot Plus Partnerships
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Portland Aquatic Club
LCMS K.I.S.S. Club (Parent Booster USA)
Nia Association