Complete these steps to get the most out of Taproot Plus


Express your interest and select the time you would like to schedule a conference call with the nonprofit.


Familiarize yourself with the nonprofit. Do some quick research and skim through anything you can find such as their website and/or social media.


You'll have an 1 hour call to help a nonprofit leader navigate their challenge.
iHealth and Wellness Foundation, Inc
New York, New York
Website development
2 projects

Member since 2023-10-22

Session Overview

We're delving into the intricacies of utilizing Stripe for seamless payment processing, particularly in the context of donations. If you have previous experience with payment processing using Stripe, your insights will be invaluable.

NOTE: ** I have reserved 1-2 PM and 3:30-4:30 PM EASTERN TIME every Wednesday for Taproot meetings. When proposing meeting times, please take this reserved slot into consideration. No shows without advanced notice won't be rescheduled.

Looking forward to an engaging and insightful discussion!


Nonprofit Overview

At the heart of our endeavor lies a simple yet profound mission: to drive meaningful change by introducing innovative solutions that leave a lasting imprint. Our platform integrates medical and wellness social networking, patient advocacy, and access to Major EHR Systems into a platform that connects patients living with complex diseases to high-quality healthcare providers and resources.

By converging empathy with advancement, we aspire to shape a brighter future rooted in inclusivity, access, and empowerment. By uniting state-of-the-art medical technologies with the power of empathy, we strive to create a new paradigm of health and wellness rooted in inclusivity, access, and empowerment.


Web development