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Express your interest and select the time you would like to schedule a conference call with the nonprofit.


Familiarize yourself with the nonprofit. Do some quick research and skim through anything you can find such as their website and/or social media.


You'll have an 1 hour call to help a nonprofit leader navigate their challenge.
Heart of the Valley Birth and Beyond DBA Community Doula Program

Session Overview

Our organization started in 2012 and there has been significant program growth and change in the last 6 years. We need support moving from a focus on single-project work to a nonprofit with multiple programs serving a broader community.

As Executive Director, I want to ensure a sustainable future. I need support and education around nonprofit financial health including key performance indicators such as revenue growth rate, expense to revenue ratio, cash flow stability, program efficiency, and financial reporting and transparency. We hope this session will help us identify the financial components that are most important to track and address, in order to either submit a Taproot project request or engage an external consultant.


Nonprofit Overview

Our mission is to decrease maternal health inequities by serving the most underserved families.

The Community Doula Program was developed in partnership with InterCommunity Health Network Coordinated Care Organization to provide culturally, socially, and linguistically matched doula care to medicaid families in Oregon. The CDP recruits, trains, and connects clients to THW Doulas. CDP Doulas come from the same communities they serve, including Medicaid priority populations (e.g., individuals who are English language learners, racially and ethnically diverse, under-housed, have a history of incarceration or substance use disorder, pregnant or parenting adolescents, medically high-risk, as well as those with low or no social support).

We believe in building community solutions to our maternal health crisis in the United States and are dedicated to sharing our experiences with families and communities looking to do the same. A healthy community begins with a healthy birth.


Financial analysis